The community was founded in 2507 (1964), when 460 hectares of crown treasury land was set aside for people suffering from leprosy to live together and try to heal themselves. To begin with there were very strict rules, no-one was allowed to marry or have children. Human nature being what it is however, people did have children and the population has swelled to 3,111. As leprosy has now been eradicated only 1 in 4 of the people in นิคมโนนสมบูรณ have ever suffered from the disease. the hospitals and 'group houses' have been emptied and the villages appear much like any other in the area.
By regaining their heath, however, the people now face the possibility that the crown treasury department may take back their land. It was this concern that brought the community to CODI to join the Baan Man Kong Chonabot project and to begin negotiating for a long term lease of the land.