Two days later we returned to show some more kids the movie. This time we also did a small workshop to get the kids ideas on the design of a new structure for the playground that we will get built. We made a model of pieces of the structure that we could make, platforms, bridges, ladders and so forth. While the kids played we wanted to get them to really think about the design, without giving them the ideas of what they should do. So we asked them lots of questions: ‘if you do it like that, how do you get up there?’, ‘what if it’s too long for the space? can we make it fit?’.

While we are there Pi Un and Ploy discuss making a low wall around the playground, this is Pi Un’s idea of how we can keep the sand from washing away.

We bought some plants and on Saturday everyone helped to plant them, the volunteers also brought some from their own gardens. This week even more members of the community are getting involved. More sand has also been delivered and more and more of the site is now covered. The place really looks great!