When we visited the site to put up posters this week we saw that another load of sand had arrived and that Pi Un and other members of the community were already shifting the new sand onto the playground! These guys never take a break!

Over the past week some of the construction workers at CASE have built some timber benches for the playground.

This morning we are taking them to the site for the kids to paint them.
Its going to be a competition, the team with the most spectacular bench wins! The kids rush to form teams and claim their benches for painting. Some GE volunteers help the kids mix the colours they want and everyone starts painting.
Its going to be a competition, the team with the most spectacular bench wins! The kids rush to form teams and claim their benches for painting. Some GE volunteers help the kids mix the colours they want and everyone starts painting.

All the teams have different strategies, some start with painting on a base colour, others try stripes or get straight into painting a beach scene!
Now it’s time for the finishing touches: the kids are very inventive with their methods of decoration, circles are made by dipping the base of a bottle in paint and using it like stamp, leaves and flowers are used as stencils and sand is used to really bring the beach to life!
Now it’s time for the finishing touches: the kids are very inventive with their methods of decoration, circles are made by dipping the base of a bottle in paint and using it like stamp, leaves and flowers are used as stencils and sand is used to really bring the beach to life!

Meanwhile the other volunteers have been busy sanding the old pieces of play equipment, preparing them for a fresh coat of paint while others have continued levelling the ground under the direction of the unstoppable Pi Un.
The benches are finished and all look amazing! We have to wait until the playground opening in three weeks time for the winners to be chosen.
Now its time to paint the old playground swings and slides. The kids chose the colour schemes (after some fiery debate!) and everyone pitches in to paint. Pretty soon they are done, they look great, better than new!
The benches are finished and all look amazing! We have to wait until the playground opening in three weeks time for the winners to be chosen.
Now its time to paint the old playground swings and slides. The kids chose the colour schemes (after some fiery debate!) and everyone pitches in to paint. Pretty soon they are done, they look great, better than new!

Finally everyone cleans up and takes another look at their masterpieces. It really show how creative and talented these kids are, its something for the whole community to be proud of.