Border Poetry: La Mona and the Writing on the Wall

La Mona (the Doll), or Tijuana III Millenium, a 17 metre high sculpture built by
Armando Muñoz Garcia in his backyard in Colonia Aeropuerto as a tribute to his city
on the occasion of Tijuana's first centenary in 1989,and a tribute to the strength and beauty
of Tijuana's women.

The following are 3 excerts from texts found pinned and written on the walls of Estudio Teddy Cruz:

Refugees inhabit a divided world, between a country in which they cannot live and a country which they cannot enter.

- Eyal Weissman.

- Ann Micheals, 1958.

Pobre mexico, tan lejos de dios
y tan cerca de los estados unidos

- Porfrio Diaz

Poor mexico, too far from God

and too close to the united states.

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